Mastercard 255 to the Moon

Nordijski center, Rateče 167, Rateče Planica, Slovenia


VIP pass 570.00 €

Premium pass 920.00 €

Virtual VIP pass 119.00 €

3x Virtual VIP pass 295.00 €



 “Mastercard 255 to the Moon” conference will spark conversations about blockchain technology, web3, NFT and metaverse.  

 The conference blends an exquisite sports event – FIS Ski jumping world cup – and a conference on innovative technologies focusing on blockchain technology, web3, NFT and metaverse. 

Planica continues to be the home of tradition, bravery and cutting edge of innovation. Gorišek brothers, who built »Velikanka«, the ski-flying hill in Planica, were captivated by the idea of pushing the engineering envelope ever further, resulting in combined 28 ski jumping world records!

Planica continues to be the cradle of innovation. Both for sport and technology. Last year Planica issued collectable NFTs, and in 2023 the NFT project will follow the homage of Gorišek brothers.

“Mastercard 255 to the Moon conference” will host over 30 internationally acclaimed speakers, 300 VIP guests, while other enthusiasts will be able to follow and participate at the conference via premium digital platform. For those seeking to visit the Snow Queen Planica, March 30, 31 is the right time.

By submitting, you agree to receive email communications from Mastercard 255 to the Moon conference including upcoming promotions and discounted tickets, news, and access to exclusive invite-only events.


Mastercard 255 to the Moon konferenca bo povezala zanesenjake s področja tehnologij veriženja blokov, web3, NFT in metaverse.

Prihajajoča konferenca prepleta vrhunski športni dogodek – FIS finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih Planica 2023 – in dvodnevno konferenco o tehnologiji veriženja blokov, web3, NFT in metaverse.

Letalnica bratov Gorišek v Planici se ponaša s kar 28 svetovnimi rekordi ter izjemno svetlo prihodnostjo, povezano z vrhunskim športom ter premikanjem meja mogočega.

Mastercard 255 to the Moon bo gostila 30 mednarodno uveljavljenih govorcev, 300 VIP gostov, preostali bodo lahko sodelovali na konferenci * By submitting, you agree to receive email communications from Mastercard 255 to the Moon conference including upcoming promotions and discounted tickets, news, and access to exclusive invite-only events.preko premijske digitalne platforme. Za vse, ki želite obiskati snežno kraljico, je obisk 30. in 31. marca 2023 pravi trenutek.

* S prijavo se strinjate s prejemanjem e-poštnih sporočil Mastercard 255 do konference Moon, vključno s prihajajočimi promocijami in znižanimi vstopnicami, novicami in dostopom do ekskluzivnih dogodkov samo s povabilom.


30.03.2023 10:00
